Monday, October 25, 2010

Review Phonecell TV "Iona Pinguin" With Multimedia Feature Completely

Specifications and prices of mobile TV Iona Pinguin

Price 449 000, -

PT Trikomsel Ok is a local mobile phone vendors that have not been long present in the Indonesian market. Still not many handsets that meeka offer, but optimism remains encouraging them to majau in tight competition in the mobile phone industry. This time they offer a QWERTY handset products with the name "Iona Pinguin" This product has a major feature that is supported by analog TV and digital camera, audio video player.

That's the specification from local/Chinese phone product in Indonesia and it is standard to provide product specifications lengak with a very affordable price. Because they realize that the consumer segment will they ambila is a low-end class that has a population of at most here.

Tags: handphone TV Iona Pinguin ,Mobile Camera,china phonecell, harga Iona Pinguin,Handphone Iona Pinguin, handphone music, price, cheap phonecell update, the latest local phone, phonecell offers, kelemahan Iona Pinguin, facebook mobile phone , handphone video chat, kelebihan Iona Pinguin, mobile phone internet Iona Pinguin

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